What If Soldiers Simply Put Their Guns Down?

Krisanne Heinze
3 min readJan 24, 2022

World peace. No more violence. It starts with you, Soldier.

A young person with a sign: World Peace. No More Violence. It Starts With You.

Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

There are 195 countries in the world. What if every soldier in every country simply put their guns down and refused to harm another human being? What if the soldiers refused to be pawns in others’ ambitions, greed and resource grabs? Some readers are probably thinking that this could never happen. Why not? Everything that “comes to be” starts with an idea, and the idea is that humans simply refuse to inflict violence on each other.

We, as the people, hold the power. Fear is the only thing that keeps us from our own power. Imagine if all the soldiers collectively (or at least the majority of them) simply said “No, we won’t kill for you. Yes, we will assist in building peace, roads, moving food supplies, renewing the environment or supporting humans in a myriad of ways, but no, we will no longer kill or provide the “power” behind special interests that benefit the few.”

What would happen?

  • Immense resources including money, natural resources, and access to services (human resources) would be freed up to use toward improving the environment and humanity.
  • There would not be post-soldier PTSD.
  • The “special interest groups” would not be able to function without their “fear and power” armies backing them up. They would either readapt to the new normal or not, but that would be their choice. They would have no more “power” over others or natural resources.

“Well, the soldiers would be punished for willful disobedience,” you might point out. No, not if there were no soldiers to arrest or detain the soldiers. If the majority of the soldiers refused to kill or fight, there would be no one left to enforce the “rules” instituted by the military regarding disobedience.

Part of the military’s tactic is to brainwash and train soldiers into complete obedience of their superior officer’s order, no matter how inhuman or horrendous the orders may be. In order for this type of change to occur, a group of intrepid soldiers would need to take the first step and be the example for other soldiers and lay down their arms. Maybe this courage would only be possible if what they were asked to do was so out of alignment with what they knew was true, that the fear of punishment would not be enough to stop them from acting on their conscience.

I know this sounds far-fetched, like a feel-good movie, but it is possible. Enough of humanity is finally waking up and as each individual comes to the truth that “what they do to their brother or sister, they do to themselves”, life as we know it will change into a new world. The military is an insane institution used for insane purposes. One day, we will all become sane.



Krisanne Heinze

Writes about life, life’s mysteries, and life’s discoveries. Enjoys dancing, writing, astrology, cooking, parenting, and traveling. www.cosmicsoulhealing.com